Welcome, Friends!
As a visitor to Holy Trinity Essex, this is exactly what you will receive and feel: friendship. You will know the warm hospitality of members expecting to receive company! Our building is handicapped accessible, and we have handicapped parking spaces.
A visitor to Holy Trinity Essex can expect to be greeted at the Narthex (front) door. This is the entry way to the Nave (the worship space). You will be given a bulletin and some basic information about the service. Please sign our guest book!
The Gospel of Jesus is central to the worship and our lives together. During the course of the worship, if you have any questions, just indicate this to the closest member or an usher, and you will receive assistance. If the ritual customs of the Episcopal Church are unfamiliar to you, relax, and let the community carry you. There is a Coffee Hour after the service in the Parish Hall for additional fellowship.
If you find that the Episcopal way is not your way, we are still delighted you came by, and will bless you on your continued, worshipful journey.