We first come to know God’s generosity in the beauty, complexity, and grandeur of the creation of the world. God pours out his blessing over Creation and calls it good. Our Stewardship programs are our response to God’s call for us to be good and generous with the gifts of creation.
Created in God’s image, we are designed for goodness and generosity. God gives us a privileged role to play as his stewards. “The earth is the Lords and all that is in it, the world and those who live in it” says the Psalmist (Psalm 24). The biblical truth is that we don’t “own” anything. At best, we are called to help God care for and distribute God’s resources. Stewards are not owners; we are simply entrusted with the gifts God has given.
The depth of God’s generosity is expressed most fully in Jesus Christ, who showed us that life in abundance is most fully realized in a life shared and given away. His example is our greatest challenge as God’s stewards. Again and again Jesus questioned his followers about their relationship to money and possessions. He challenges us today to hold our possessions lightly, knowing that all that we have is a gift from God.
The purpose of our Stewardship ministry is to help people grow in their relationship with Christ through the gifts God has entrusted to them. We offer people the opportunity to discover the spiritual and practical gifts given to them by God and to find their place as ministers in their own right. We also strive to care for God’s creation, embodying our role as God’s stewards in the oldest and truest fashion. Finally, we ask people to respond to God’s generosity by giving their time, talent, and treasure.
Generosity is a fruit of the Holy Spirit, both a gift and response to God’s unbounded and unending grace. We invite you to complete a pledge card, and return it to the Church. (Extra pledge cards are available from the church office; please ask an usher.) There is no one time to share your pledge with us, so feel free to put your completed card in the offertory plate on any Sunday morning, or mail your pledge to: Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, 1131 Mace Avenue, Baltimore MD 21221.